Why your company should embrace multiple AWS accounts

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, the efficient and secure management of cloud resources has become absolutely crucial. As cloud infrastructure continues to serve as the backbone for countless businesses, it is imperative that organizations stay on top of their game. With AWS Organizations, managing multiple AWS accounts becomes a breeze. This service provides businesses with a unified solution to effortlessly organize, govern, and optimize their cloud environments. The importance and complexity of this topic are underscored by the fact that the AWS Whitepaper on multi-account strategies spans over 130 pages, highlighting just how critical and intricate the subject is for modern businesses. However, AWS customers continue to function with just one AWS account, oblivious to the significant advantages that arise from leveraging multiple accounts within an AWS Organization.

Enhanced Security and Isolation

Out of the box, an AWS account is isolated. It is not directly connected to any other AWS accounts, even when created using AWS Organizations. Using multiple AWS accounts offers significant security benefits. Segregating different environments into separate accounts is a crucial step in minimizing the chances of accidental data exposure or unauthorized access. This practice helps to mitigate risks and enhance security. Every account functions as a distinct boundary, guaranteeing that a security breach in one account does not jeopardize the entire organization.

Simplified Cost Management and Allocation

Managing cloud costs can be a daunting task, particularly in large organizations with intricate environments. Having multiple AWS accounts allows for better cost tracking, as expenses are automatically divided by account. This framework provides enhanced visibility into resource consumption, enabling teams to allocate costs more accurately across various departments, projects, or business units.

AWS Organizations takes it a step further by providing consolidated billing, which combines the usage and expenses of all connected accounts into one invoice. By streamlining the billing process, companies can not only simplify their operations but also maximize cost savings by leveraging volume discounts and other pricing benefits throughout the organization.

Companies should also consider implementing a robust tagging strategy in addition to leveraging multiple accounts for cost management. Tags serve as metadata labels for AWS resources and play a vital role in cost allocation. Organizations can gain valuable insights into their spending patterns within each account by tagging resources according to project, department, or application. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of resource allocation and utilization. Tags provide a valuable tool for generating detailed cost allocation reports, allowing for easy identification of cost drivers, optimization of spending, and assurance that resources are being utilized efficiently.

Streamlined Governance and Compliance

Centralized policy administration is made possible by AWS Organizations, which facilitates the enforcement of governance across numerous accounts. You can specify rights and limitations at the organizational level with Service Control Policies (SCPs), ensuring that all accounts abide by the security and compliance standards of your business.

SCPs, for instance, might be utilized for:

  • Block Non-EU Regions: You can set up a SCP that limits the use of AWS regions outside of the EU if your business is subject to data residency regulations that demand data storage within the EU. Because AWS occasionally automatically switches the console back to a different zone, which can result in the inadvertent creation of resources outside the designated area, this is very crucial. By enforcing this restriction through SCPs, you can prevent both intentional and unintentional violations of your company’s data residency policies, ensuring compliance and reducing the risk of regulatory penalties.
  • Block Unused AWS Services: SCPs can restrict access to services that are not in use or are not pertinent to your operations in order to lower the attack surface and prevent unauthorized or inadvertent use of AWS services. For instance, you can construct a SCP to prevent access to any IoT-related services across all accounts if your company doesn’t use AWS IoT services.
  • Block Non-Whitelisted Instance Types: To maintain consistency and control costs, you may wish to restrict the types of instances that can be deployed as part of a cloud governance strategy. This can be enforced by a SCP by preventing any EC2 instance types that are not on your approved list from being created. This ensures compatibility with the cost and performance criteria of your organization by preventing the usage of excessively costly or non-standard instance types.

Organizations in regulated industries, where adherence to regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS is critical, stand to benefit greatly from this centralized control. Applying uniform standards to every account will make it easy to stay in compliance and will show regulators and auditors that your governance structure is strong.

Improved Resource Management and Scalability

Your cloud infrastructure gets more sophisticated as your business expands. Having many AWS accounts allows you to divide resources based on demands, which simplifies the management of this complexity. various business divisions, regions, or application stacks, for instance, can use various accounts, enabling teams to work independently with centralized management.

Additionally, by lowering the likelihood of resource conflicts, this strategy promotes improved resource management. For example, disparate teams don’t have to worry about name conflicts or unintentionally changing shared resources when deploying comparable services or infrastructure components in their own accounts.

Conclusion: A Strategic Imperative

Adopting a multi-account strategy within AWS Organizations is not only a recommended practice, but also a strategic need in the quickly changing cloud computing landscape. Adopting this strategy is strongly recommended due to its many advantages, including improved resource management, resilient disaster recovery, streamlined governance through SCPs, simpler cost management with efficient tagging, and greater security.

Your business may gain more agility, security, and control over its cloud infrastructure by utilizing several AWS accounts, setting itself up for success in an increasingly complicated and competitive digital landscape. Making the switch to a multi-account structure within AWS Organizations can have a major positive impact on operations and pave the way for future expansion, regardless of the size of your company.